Frozen Phoenix
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new guide to making money in frozen phoenix !!!!! 7 Ways!!

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new guide to making money in frozen phoenix !!!!! 7 Ways!! Empty new guide to making money in frozen phoenix !!!!! 7 Ways!!

Mensaje  ☼Pro Vie Abr 09, 2010 10:20 am

a drawing of my character Very Happy

I am your server good ☼ Pro and today I come to ifromales on 7 ways to find money:

1 .- The first and fastest is to cut wood, which equals 1 = 17.500gy east wood
20 can be stored in wood, bone stag will be the 20-wood.

2.-The most sensilla and my peers is easy money to have 2 or vague accounts (with normal bite
or any fairy first generation and second generation that gives you less) to get
evel signet coin and faster.

For example:

Fairy coints system

The second generation fairys give 1 coin for each growth Fairy

The first-generation yield 1 Fairy coin every 2 growth

The second generation fairys yield 1 per 30 Elven Signet growth

The first-generation yield 1 for every 60 Elven Signet growth

Every generation of fairy give 1 every 120 Elven Signet growth

Every generation of fairy give 1 Elven Royal Signet growth at 1200

3 -. By Mordo jr by jr Mordo to make a poss give you and depending on how many lvl have to bite them this will give you marry novis poss = 1.75m, 2.5m and expert standard poss poss 5m.

4 -. Getting stone that used to sell haser guild and 5m. It is difficult
not getting yourself killed XD lol! .

5 -. Selling 1.5m ref gem to every 1 or selling gems, by its value:

rage lvl 1: 2m
rage lvl 2: 3.5m
rage lvl 3: 5m

colo lvl 1: 1m
colo lvl 2: 1.5m

you know the more lvl more cash value will have the gems $ _ $.

6 -. The more stupid kills attorney in Rockery being champ with using the auto howl howl! Rolling Eyes.

7 -. If you are more or less high lvl 75 or 65 lvl by lvl 3m ask, this is for people antisocial XD.

rob me of the post and admin shaka and excuse me XD
hope you like it and I thank Grasio curious silence by making xD show me
(I say to put me to invent)

greetings from ☼ Pro cuidense.

en inglesh Very Happy. ty google!!!

Mensajes : 26
Fecha de inscripción : 08/04/2010
Edad : 32

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